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Computing at Farnborough Grange



In a forever developing world, we recognise the impact that technology is having on the world around us. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in students' lives.  At Farnborough Grange, we want children to develop the skills to become confident users of technology, both in school and ‘beyond the gate’. We encourage children to be inquisitive and educate them on the vast uses of technology and how beneficial technology can be.  We want our children to know that they can aspire to be the next computer programmers, app developers and graphic designers, and if that is not the path they choose, then have a good understanding of how technology can support their learning and career choices in whatever path they follow.   

As users of technology, we want our children to understand the positive impact that it can have on their lives and the world around us, but to also recognise that there are risks involved. It is important that children know how to be safe when using technology and the internet, and to know where to seek help if they feel uncomfortable or something has gone wrong.   



At Farnborough Grange we follow the teach computing scheme. The units that are taught are Computing Systems and networks, Creating Media, Programming and data and information. These units will be explored and taught in different ways in each year group and will build on children’s previous learning. We teach the children about E-safety by using the Project Evolve scheme. Children will have an E-safety lesson every half term and this will be revisted throughout their computing lessons. The strands of E-safety we teach are Self Image and Identity, Online Relationships, Online Bullying, Online reputation, Managing online information, Health Wellbeing and Lifestyle, Privacy and Security, Copy Right and Security.    

The Computing curriculum is implemented at each stage in the following ways:  

  • In Nursery, children will explore how things work and be introduced to cause and effect through various toys. They will also be introduced to following a simple set of instructions to achieve an outcome e.g. how to brush their teeth.  

  • In Reception, children will learn about technology that is used around school and what it is used for 

  • They will continue to learn about following a set of instructions to achieve a set outcome. 

  • They will begin to learn to login to the computers.  

  • They will participate in discussions about how to keep safe online. 

Year 1 
  •  In Year 1, children will begin their computing lessons by talking about how to stay safe online with a particular focus on who they are talking to and asking permission 

  • They will learn how to use technology to create a piece of art. 

  • They will be writing algorithms and programming Beebots. 

  • They will create labels for objects and learn how to sort objects using technology. 

  • They will use a computer to create and format text, before comparing to writing non-digitally 

  • Children will be designing and programming the movement of a character on screen to tell stories. 

Year 2 
  • In Year 2, children will continuing and deepening their understanding on the ways in which we can stay safe online 

  • Children will have the opportunity to take photographs and change them for different purposes. 

  • Children will be creating and debugging programs, and using logical reasoning to make predictions. 

  • Children will have the opportunity to apply their computing lessons within their maths to support their learning on data handling and they will learn how to present data digitally.  

  • Children will also be able to apply what they have learnt in their music lessons by using a computer as a tool to explore rhythms and melodies, before creating a musical composition. 

  • Children will be designing algorithms and programs that use events to trigger sequences of code to make an interactive quiz. 

Provision for key groups at our school 
  • We strive to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their ability or additional needs, have equal access to high-quality computing lessons.  

  • Children are partnered so that they can support each other. We have a rule that if you are helping someone you must use words to explain and support you must not touch the technology when you are supporting your partner. 

  • Differentiation/scaffolding strategies are employed to support learners who require additional help, and gifted and talented pupils are appropriately challenged. 

  • Provision is made for pupils with physical disabilities or sensory impairments to participate fully in all activities. 

  • We promote a respectful and supportive learning environment, where pupils value and celebrate each other's contributions. 

  • Children are taught to respect the technology we have at school and there are measures in place to ensure the websites they are accessing are appropriate. DSLs will be notified if a child tries to access something that isn’t appropriate.  

Wider opportunities 
  • Each year we celebrate Online Safety day. Children complete a series of activities in class to raise their awareness further on staying safe online. The computing lead also leads an E-safety talk with parents. 

  • Technology is used to enhance other lessons for example Book Creator can be used to make books about Brazil for Geography in year 2. 

  • Technology is used to support children to read questions in Maths. 




The implementation of our Computing curriculum will lead to all children, regardless of ability, developing a good understanding of technology and its impact on their lives and the wider world. Children will feel confident in selecting technologies which are appropriate for purpose, and will use what they have selected safely. 


The impact of our Computing curriculum is evident in the following areas: 


Knowledge and Understanding 

The implementation of our Computing curriculum will lead to all children, regardless of ability, developing a good understanding of technology and its impact on their lives and the wider world. 


Skills Development 

Our curriculum enables children to develop a wide range of skills when using technology. Children will develop skills in word processing and typing. They will have the skills to develop and program algorithms and to debug them. They will be able to take photographs and edit them. They will be able to use technology to organise data. 


Attitudes and Values 

Our curriculum ensures children understand how to stay safe online and how to be respectful towards others when they are online. They develop the skills and confidence to know what to do when something online causes them upset.  


Our intent, implementation, and impact work together to ensure that children leave Farnborough Grange Nursery and Infant school with a strong understanding of the uses of technology and the skills so they are able to use it effectively. We believe that our engaging curriculum helps children to build the foundations to become computer literate and be confident users of technology. 

What do our children learn in Computing?

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40