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E Safety - Information for Parents


Why is E Safety important?

At Farnborough Grange we take online safety very seriously.  The children have access to a variety of technology so it is important that they know how to keep themselves safe when online.  We teach online safety throughout the year and take part in national initiatives, such as, Safer Internet Day.


Report a concern to CEOP

CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is designed to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse. If you're worried about online abuse or the way that someone has been communicating online, you can make a report to CEOP.






E Safety Workshop - Please click on the link below to access the slides from an E Safety Workshop held at school. If you need any further support or would like any more information, please do speak to your child's class teacher.

E-safety Support

Still image for this video

Here are some more websites that you may find helpful:

Keeping your under 5 safe online 

I'm worried my child might see something inappropriate online 

Using Parental Controls 

Sharing Pictures of your child online

Think u Know (Parent information)


You can also look at the CEOP website and download materials from there or the Think u Know website.

If you do have any questions or you would like further support, please email us at and we will then contact you.


Please see below age-specific guides with top tips for keeping your children safe online.

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40