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Our fantastic outcomes!

Click here to see our attainment data for the 2021/22 academic year:

Parent / Carer Voice Autumn 2022/23

Scroll down to read our response to feedback from our parents and carers, and to read testimonials.


Results from Ofsted Parent View can be found here.


We are always grateful to receive feedback and appreciate the time that people take to let us know if there are things we could do better, or if there are things that we are doing right.  Here is a selection of some of the recent comments we have received about our practice:


We are very proud of the progress that my child has made at Farnborough Grange. She loves her teachers and school; this had a great impact on her learning.         Parent July 2023


I will always be grateful for the time and effort that you put into teaching my child. Your patience, kindness and understanding have helped her to overcome challenges and a love for learning.       Parent July 2023


My child has made a lot of improvement in terms of reading, writing and communication skills. Thank you for all of the efforts of all of the teachers and for the materials like green words, red words and story books, as they have helped us to revise at home. Also, the links from the Farnborough Grange Facebook page have been useful.         Parent July 2023


We would like to thank you for your contribution to our child. He has developed a lot in school over the last year. We are satisfied with the teaching system at Farnborough Grange.          Parent July 2023


Huge, huge well done to the whole of Farnborough Grange Nursery and Infant School. Today wasn't easy, doing sports day in this heat, but you all smashed it, listening well and giving it your all!        Parent July 2022


I would like to thank all the staff at the school yesterday for putting on amazing sports day for all to enjoy. The school had it very well organised from the offset, everything was clearly signed posted, the children were kept safe. Joined by beautiful weather, it was lovely to see so many smiling faces on one playground. All the parents were grateful to be given this opportunity to watch their children, as like myself, it was a first ever sports day. The fabulous cheering of the Farnborough Grange Way and the excitement on everyone’s face was a memory that came home with me!           Parent July 2022


I attended the afternoon session last week and found the information provided before hand by yourself and the other teachers very useful. My son has attended the school since nursery and was enrolled onto the Tizzy the tiger speech programme. I found as a parent the use of the teddy character along with the books to be really engaging for my son and was a tremendous help on his speech, phonics and reading. With that in mind I am excited for the new phonics programme with the new teddy character to assist. Already I have two children talking about Freddy the frog and using new terms for phonics which I now understand and can engage with them because of your presentation.           Parent September 2021


Our little school, Farnborough Grange Infants, have been fantastic. I have kids in Reception and Year 2. We’ve been offered Several daily zoom sessions, pre-recorded videos which are well tailored (My son’s year 2 teacher has gone beyond and has grouped the children into skill sets - 2 or 3 groups depending on subject and each group have have their own videos and activities, which has surely created a lot of work for her). Feedback is generally provided within an hour of submitting a piece of work. I’m sure all schools have done an amazing job - but couldn’t say a bad word about ours. Brilliant group of staff - Outstanding and couldn’t have asked for more.     Parent via Hampshire Live February 2021


I just wanted to send a message to say thank you so much for everything you are all doing to help our children carry on learning and having fun whilst doing it to. Thank you so much for the amount of help and support we as parents are getting from you all to, we really do appreciate it more than you can imagine!            Parent January 2021


She even wants to go to school on weekends.     Parent December 2020


I am amazed with the progress my child has made in the first quarter of the year.     Parent December 2020

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40