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1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a day!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a day!


This half term, we will be finding out all about what it means to be healthy. We will be using our skills as scientists to look at how plants grow, what plants need and what all living things need to survive. We will also create our own healthy balanced diet and understand what makes up a healthy diet. As historians we will find out about Florence Nightingale and her important role as a nurse and health care. 


In DT we will be designing and making our own healthy pizzas! As part of this we will be learning how to write instructions in English to go alongside our healthy pizzas. 


Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.

Week 1: 04/03/2022

What an exciting first week back we have had this week! We had lots of fun on World Book Day creating our own 3D book covers. We had to really concentrate to trace each part of the front cover carefully to then reveal our drawings. Mrs Church also came into our class to help us write our section of the school book we created. She helped us to come up with ideas for the next part of the story and then we got to hear the final story at the end of the day. It was lovely that lots of grown-ups could join us for story time at the end of the day to finish off a fantastic World Book Day. On Friday we came in from playtime to find our classrooms had been trashed with lots of junk food packets and rubbish! We thought that this person wasn't eating very healthy so need to do some investigating into how we can teach them about healthy eating. 

Squirrel class had great fun planting their sunflower seeds this week, which Hedgehogs will start next week. We have learnt about the life cycle of sunflowers and will be taking photos of our plants each week to track how they grow. 

It was wonderful to watch Hedgehogs in their class assembly and they all did a fantastic job learning their lines and giving a great performance to the audience. 

Week 2: 11/03/2022

This week we have been learning lots about 2D shapes and their properties. We even had a go at drawing 2D shapes using a geoboard on the iPads which was really engaging for our learning. In the middle of the week, Caroline came in to give us a workshop on keeping ourselves healthy and how to be a good friend. It was great to see Harold again too! In English we have been focusing on the first part of our story; Pumpkin Soup. We pretended to be Duck and wrote a letter to Squirrel and Cat telling them how we felt and why we ran away! 

Week 3: 18/03/2022

In hedgehog class this week, we started our cress experiment to find out what plants need to grow. We had four variables which included light and water, no light and water, light and no water and finally no light and no water. We have also enjoyed creating the next part of the story ending for Pumpkin soup. First we drew story maps and practiced telling them to each other so we really understood our story. Then we put them into full sentences making sure we were checking our writing to make sure it was our best work. In art this week we have learnt about the artist Paul Cezanne and used our observation skills to draw cross sections of fruit. We had to look really carefully at the shape, patterns and lines on each fruit to recreate in our sketches. 

Week 4: 25/03/2022

This week we have been enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather so have been doing lots of learning outside! In science we went outside to the shops to create our own balanced diet plate. We learnt about the 5 main food groups and what types of food belong in each group. Fruit and Veg is the largest part of our diet and we discovered there are so many different fruits and vegetables! In Squirrel class we came up with a list of over 50 fruits and vegetables! In Art we continued to look at Paul Cezanne and used water colours and oil pastels to recreate the other half of one of his paintings. We had to look carefully to match the shapes and colours. We also had lots of fun being amazing authors this week and creating our own story based on Pumpkin Soup. It was great to come up with our own ideas and be really imaginative with our characters and story setting. 

Week 5: 01/04/2022

We have an amazing week this week with our highlight being our first ever school trip to the Church of the Good Shepherd. When we got to the church, we were split into four different groups to learn about the four main parts to the Easter Story. At each activity we learnt about what happened to Jesus and about the symbols of Easter. We learnt about the meaning of these symbols and what they represent. First we learnt about the palm leaves and that Jesus road into town on a donkey whilst people waved palm leaves and crosses. Then he had the last supper with his friends and they had bread and wine which represented Jesus - we got to eat grapes and bread! On Good Friday, he died on the cross and we had a go at banging some nails ourselves. Then on Easter Sunday, Jesus was resurrected and we learnt that an Easter Egg is a symbol of new life. 

We also had lots of fun using the laptops this week in ICT and learnt about what the programme Word is used for. We had a go at changing the font in many different ways by changing its size, colour and the design! 

Week 6: 08/04/2022

What an exciting last week of term we have had. We got to design and make our own healthy pizzas. First we tried lots of vegetable toppings to decide which ones we liked the best. Then we wrote our recipes using imperative verbs to tell our readers what to do. It was really fun making the dough and learning how to knead it to ensure the dough was smooth and would create a tasty base to our pizzas. Once we added our toppings they went into the oven and then we got to taste and eat them - yum! 

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40