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Let's all go on Safari!

Let's all go on Safari!


This half term, we will be finding out all about Africa. We will be using our skills as geographers to look at atlases and maps to locate Africa. We will be comparing the human and physical geographical features between Farnborough and Kenya. As scientists we will be looking at animals that live in Africa and the different food chains within Africa. 


In English we will be reading different stories including Meerkat Mail and Amazing Grace to create our own story and letters of persuasion. 


Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.

Week 7 - week beginning 17.10.2022


This week we have had lots of fun exploring PowerPoint on the laptops. We also enjoyed drawing shapes on the iPads. 


Thank you for your support with our Harvest Festival - it was lovely to see so many of you.


We hope that you have a lovely half term break and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 1st November.

Week 6 - 10.10.2022


This week we made our own safari buggies in DT. First, we investigated wheels and axles and explored how they worked. After we had planned what our buggies would look like, we worked in teams to create them. This was lots of fun! We tested out our buggies on the playground (not quite the African savanna!) and then evaluated how successful they were.

Week 5: 07/10/2022

We have had lots of fun this week printing our kente patterns from lino onto fabric. We had to cut our designs carefully and then use the rollers to print our wonderful bright patterns! In maths we looked at adding multiples of 10 and representing numbers in different ways. 

Week 4: 30/09/2022

We have been so impressed with Year 2 this week with how much they have wowed us with their science and geography learning this week. In science we looked at different sources of food for animals and correctly identified and labelled these. We also started to look at African Kente art and created our own Kente patterns. 

Week 3 - 23/09/2022

This week Year 2 were rather surprised to learn that Sunny the meerkat was looking for a new home and had been on an adventure around our school! He ate bananas in the kitchen, played on the playground equipment and even took a stroll into Mrs Cave's office! We wrote our own stories about Sunny's adventures at Farnborough Grange.


We have also been learning about the geography of Kenya. We found Kenya on a map, sorted physical and human features of Kenya and talked about how life might be different in Kenya to the United Kingdom.

Week 2: 16/09/2022

What another exciting week we have had this week! The children loved taking part in Roald Dahl day on Tuesday. We had lots of fun making our very own medicines, just like George in 'George's Marvellous Medicine'. 

Week 1: 09/09/2022

We have had a super first week in Year 2. We started our week by going on safari and making our own safari buggies! We have enjoyed reading the story of Meerkat Mail and have begun to retell the story. 

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40