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Spring 1 - Once upon a time

This half term will focus all around traditional tales, including both popular tales as well as those that are not as well known. In English, we will learn to retell stories through drama & storytelling as well as changing parts of the tales to make them our own. Our Science learning will focus around materials with a link to the Three Little Pig’s houses.

We love reading to help us with our learning! Some of our key texts for this learning enquiry include...

Week 6: 06.02.2023

This week, the children have been busy making their puppets in D&T to retell the story of the three little pigs. After making them, they evaluated them and used their evaluations to make adaptations. They decided that staples were a much stronger way of joining the fabric than just using PVA glue. We had a lovely time on Friday afternoon performing a puppet show to our families.


Have a lovely half term. We hope you enjoy performing with the puppets at home!

Week 5: 30.01.2023

We have continued in our role as Geographers this week and have explored our school environment, identifying human and physical features. We have learnt the difference between the two features and applied our knowledge to other environments.


In Maths, we have used different objects to represent ten including tens frames and we have started to explore how teen numbers are built.

Week 4: 23.01.23

This week, we were enthusiastic Geographers and continued to explore the world around us. We used maps to consider how they help us to follow a route and we created our own maps of the classroom, thinking about where things are in relation to each other. We make links to our BeeBots learning and gave each other directional commands using 'north', 'east', 'south' and 'west'.

Week 3: 16.01.2023

This week, we have continued to explore materials and we did an investigation to find the most waterproof material for the little pigs' houses.


In Maths, we have been using non-standard measures to measure objects in our classroom, using the language taller, shorter and longer to compare.

Week 2: 09.01.2023


This week, we have started to investigate different materials including learning the difference between objects and materials. We explored different objects in the classroom and sorted them, considering the properties of each material. We have also learnt the story of the Three Little Pigs and used drama to bring the story to life.

Week 1: 04.01.2023


This week, we have enjoyed taking part in some subject-focused days to immerse ourselves in our learning.


In Computing, we used BeeBots and practised giving commands including the four directions. We learnt to program our BeeBots to reach a destination and predicted where the BeeBot would finish, following different sets of instructions.


In Music, we learnt to identify the pitch in a piece of music and thought about the difference between high and low pitch. We used glockenspiels and considered how to play different notes to create rhythms.

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40