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Tales with a Twist!

Tales with a Twist! 

This half term, we will be looking at traditional tales and how we can change the story to give them a tale with a twist! We will be creating our own villains and writing stories about what happens to them. As geographers we will be learning about how to read and use maps, as well as creating our own. We will be growing bean plants in science and observing what plants need to grow and be healthy. 


We will also use our skills as scientists and geographers on our trip to Alice Holt forest to learn how to read maps and more about the four seasons. 


Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.

Week 6 - 10/02/2023

We have enjoyed using the iPads to program BeeBots to get to different destinations this week in our computing learning. We had to make sure our instructions were clear and accurate to make sure the BeeBot got to the right place. We then had a go at debugging some instructions and fixing them to make sure they were accurate. In maths we have started to learn about money and recognising the different value of coins. It was Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and we thought about how to keep safe online and who we could talk to if we were worried about online bullying. 

Week 5 - week beginning 30/01/2023

Our Trip to Alice Holt


It's been another busy week in Year 2, but the highlight of our week was definitely our school trip to Alice Holt! We enjoyed travelling on a coach - for most of us it was our first time on a coach so we were very excited. Once we got to Alice Holt, we took part in some science and geography activities and worked in teams to build dens for a fairy tale character. In the afternoon, we were able to explore the adventure playground before getting back on the coach back to school. We were very tired on the way back home!


In other news, it has been Bright Futures week this week at Farnborough Grange. We have spent time thinking about what we would like to be when we are older and have remembered that we can be anything that we want to be if we believe in ourselves.

Week 4: 27/01/2023

This week we started a new experiment in science to see which variable would grow the cress the best. We will keep you updated with how the cress grows! In hedgehogs we have been learning about the Torah and why it is important to Jews. We even made our own Torahs. In Squirrels we went to our new music room to play on the glockenspiels. We improved our own melodies and played a melody to a song that we learnt. Then we had a go on our new electric grand piano! 

Week 3 - week beginning 16.01.23


This week has been another exciting week in Year 2. We have been learning how to add two-digit numbers in maths and have started looking at our new text 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' in English. We've also been observing our bean plants grow in science and have been making maps of our classrooms in geography. 

Week 2: 09/01/2023

We had lots of fun in our science lessons this week as we planted our beans. We had to choose what we wanted to put our seeds in and what to add such as water and soil in order for our plants to grow and stay healthy. 

Week 1: 04/01/2023

It has been so lovely welcoming Year 2 back to school and we can't believe how much they have grown! We started the week with an interesting bag appearing in our classroom. It was filled with clues for who it might belong too. We found out that it was the Big Bad Wolf so we had to create wanted posters to try and find him. We also started our new book 'Inside the Villains' and came up with ideas for our own villains for our writing next week. 

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40