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Tales with a Twist!

This half term, we will be looking at traditional tales and how we can change the story to give them a tale with a twist! We will be creating our own villains and writing stories about what happens to them. As geographers we will be learning about how to read and use maps, as well as creating our own. We will be growing bean plants in science and observing what plants need to grow and be healthy. 


Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.

Week 6 - 9.2.2024

We really enjoyed our Titanic workshop to finish the term ready for our next learning enquiry. We learnt about how the Titanic was made and what happened to it. Did you know the Titanic was as long as 22 buses? 

Week 5 - 2.2.2024

We really enjoyed bright futures week learning about different jobs we can do when we grow up.  We learnt about what nurses do and how they look after people. The police came to visit us and we got to sit in the police car! In maths we have been learning about money creating different amounts. 

Week 4 - 26.1.2024: 

This week we enjoyed using the BeeBots and BeeBot mats to create our own programmes and algorithms. We had to navigate around the maps and avoid obstacles so had to make sure our code was accurate! In English we have been analysing our new model text 'The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs' and highlighted the features of story writing. 

Week 3 - 19/01/2024: 

In music this week we have been exploring timbre which is the different sounds instruments can make. We experimented making tap, scrape and shake sounds in groups to then perform to the class. We started a new text in English and played lots of vocabulary games to understand our new key words. 

Week 2 - 12/01/2024: 

In geography this week we used the points on a compass to navigate around a treasure map. We had to give our partner directions to get them to the treasure! We have been using dienes in maths to help us add two 2-digit numbers. 

Week 1 - 08/01/2024: 

On the first day back we had an intruder in our classroom! The Big Bad Wolf had been and made a huge mess in our classrooms. We created wanted posters to help try and find him so he could fix what he had done wrong. It was Author Day on Friday and we read lots of Julia Donaldson books as she was the author we were looking at. We wrote postcards pretending to be the Snail from 'The Snail and the Whale' and created Snail and the Whale themed artwork. 

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40