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Summer 2 - Victorians


There is lots left to learn in our last half term of Year One. We start with Art Week, learning about Pablo Picasso. Coming up are lots of interesting questions to be asked and facts to be learned about famous Victorians who changed Britain, for the better.

We will be having fun in our PE lessons with Athletics, practicing for Sports Day. 


Take a look at our topic web for more information:


Week beginning 10.7.23

In English this week, we wrote some instructions about how to make a Victoria Sponge cake. Then in the afternoon we made the cakes using these instructions. Friday was the best day ever as we ate them and evaluated what we liked/ disliked and what we would do next time. 


In Maths, we have been learning about position and direction, using words such as left right, above and below. 


Tuesday was really fun for our Sports Day- Year 1 are very fast and competitive smiley


Only a few days to go until we can all have a good rest in the holidays and become Year 2!


Week beginning 3.7.23

This week we have been writing a diary entry in English as a Victorian child working in a work house - we were shocked by the conditions. We then shared our views in History and agreed that thankfully children don't have to go to work anymore.


In Maths, we have been learning about the telling the time to o'clock and half past. Continue to practice this at home.  Can you tell your grownups what time you got home from school? What time you had dinner? And so on.


In Art, we really enjoyed creating our relief prints in the style of William Morris using paint and rollers to print our nature patterns.



Week beginning 26.6.23

Week 4 has seen us learning all about money in maths, particularly the value of coins, so don't forget to raid your piggy banks to take a look at some.


We've had more sports day practice and can't wait for the real thing now!


In English/ History, we were writing reports which compared Victorian classrooms to ours at Farnborough Grange - they are very different, thankfully! 


Finally, we had a great Friday afternoon using algorithms (a set of instructions for software) to move our sprite and change the backgrounds. 


Week beginning 19.6.23

This week we started to learn about schools in the Victorian age, with a visit from a very strict school teacher! She made us write our names on slate boards and recite poems and lines. Luckily we were very well-behaved so she did not have to use her cane.


In PSHE lessons, we have been thinking about 'growing and changing' and this week thought about what a baby wants or needs.


Our art lessons have been tricky but fun, using 2D shapes to create symmetrical patterns in the style of William Morris, as well as learning about primary and secondary colours. 


Week beginning 12.6.23

Another great - but hot! - week in Year One, the children wrote impressive fact files about significant people in the Victorian times using lots of facts that they have learnt! We are looking forward to the Victorian workshop on Monday learning all about what Victorian schools, classrooms, teachers and children were like!


In Maths this week the children have started their learning on place value with 100. They have been filling in missing numbers, partitioning numbers into tens and ones and lots more.


We have started looking at our new artist William Morris a famous Victorian artist who was a designer and printer. We will be creating our own relief prints based on his detailed and symmetrical designs.


Finally, PE was a lot of fun, jumping in different ways and perfecting our chest passes:


Week beginning 5.6.23

We've had a brilliant return to the last half term, kicking off with our Art week where Year One learned about Pablo Picasso. Our art was stunning as we 'split' faces in half and thought carefully about emotions and linked this to our work on the Colour Monsters too. 


Maths has been fun but challenging, learning about fractions - particularly halves and quarters.


Our English has been linked to our History topic - the Victorians. Here we have learned about some significant people who changed Britain; including Florence Nightingale (nursing), Alexander Graham-Bell (the telephone) and Isambard Kingdom Brunel (steam trains, ships and bridges)! 

Questions to find out more about Florence Nightingale:

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40