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Spring 2 - Where do different animals live?

Highlight of the Week:

Week beginning 27.03.23


This week the children have had a wonderful time continuing our journey learning about where different animals come from by learning about the lifecycle of a chicken. We also learned the song "Spring Chicken". The children enjoyed singing this in assembly with the rest of the school. In Maths we have been practising our number formation to 10 and learning the rhymes for each number to help us. The children had a fantastic time today exploring the woodland collecting leaves and sticks to make a "bug hotel". In Art we made some fantastic Easter cards for our families. What a fantastic half term! Well done Badgers and Robins for all of your hard work. We hope you have a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you all again soon!


Highlight of the Week:

Week beginning 20.03.23 

This week we enjoyed learning a song called 'A Tiny Caterpillar on a Leaf' that we then sung to our grown ups. In Maths we learnt about repeating patterns and the children enjoyed creating ABC, ABAB and AAB patterns using a range of resources such as cubes and chalks. In Literacy, we looked at the difference between fiction and non fiiction books and found out why information books have glossaries!

Highlight of the Week:

Week beginning 13.03.23 
This week the children have had a wonderful time exploring the life cycle of a butterfly. In literacy we made and labelled some incredible butterfly lifecycles using pasta. We then labelled them. They look fantastic. In Maths we have been learning about 3D shape. The children have been learning the names of different 3D shapes. Robin Class did a fantastic Class assembly for their adults, teachers and friends. Well done for to all of you for all of your hard work! The children in Robin and Badger class were very excited to meet our new caterpillars on Monday. They are looking forward to watching them grow into beautiful butterflies. We have been amazed at how much they have already grown in just one week!



Highlight of the Week:

Week beginning 6.03.23 

This week we have been learning about the number bonds of ten. The children have been trying to learn these off by heart, and when they are stuck they have been resourceful and used their fingers to work it out. In Literacy we have been learning to recite the story of Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs using Makaton actions to support us. Finally, in Understanding of the World, we have been learning about what a habitat is and what the different habitats around the world are. 

Week beginning 27.02.23

This week we have had a fantastic time continuing our journey learning about "Where do different animals live?". The children have had a fantastic time learning about different dinosaurs and where they lived. In maths we have been finding all of the different way which we can make 10. In literacy we have been writing some fantastic fact files about Tyrannosaurus Rex's. The children had a brilliant day dressing up and celebrating world book day. They enjoyed our story "The Barnabus Project". They created some fantastic animals of their own and labeled them.




Week beginning 20.2.23

This week we have been learning 'Where do different animals live?". On Monday the children discovered an egg in the outside area. We thought about what might be inside and discovered it was a dinosaur! The children have enjoyed looking for fossils in the investigation area and learning how to make the numbers 9 and 10 using numicon.

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40