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Year 2 2021-22

Welcome to Year 2


Hedgehog Class teacher is Miss Brown and the Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Stubbs.

Squirrel Class teacher is Miss Woodgate and the Learning Support Assistants are Mrs Hindle, Miss Forder, Miss Hayes. 

Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please make sure that your child has a named PE kit in school and that any earrings have been taken out before school.


Home Learning:

Home learning will be set on Class Dojo every Monday and will be due the following Monday, to give your child a week to complete the task. Each week will alternate between a reading comprehension task and a maths fluency task with the expectation that your child will receive feedback for the maths task before the next maths task. All work will need to be handed in via Class Dojo so that feedback can be provided. As we begin home learning, any feedback is greatly appreciated so please do let us know. 


We are so excited to work with you all this year. Here's to a happy year ahead!


Thank you :)


Miss Brown and Miss Woodgate

Highlight of the week!

Week 5:08/07/2022

We have been really busy this week prepping for Sports Day and our Leavers Assembly. Year 2 have really impressed us with how quickly they have learnt the songs for their performance and their enthusiasm that they bring too. We have also completed our last piece of Year 2 writing ready for Year 3 all about what Lucy and Tom got up to at the beach. 


Week 4: 01/07/2022

We have really enjoyed art week this week. We have looked at texture, pattern, line and shape to recreate our different artist. We had the opportunity to explore different mediums such as spray painting, felt tips, paint and even wood to create our ideas. We created mood boards where we experimented with what we will include in our designs and how different effects look. 


Week 3: 24/06/2022

We have learnt all about Judaism this week and learnt what Shabbat is and how Jews celebrate Shabbat. We then learnt about the Torah and why it is special to Jews. We even got to make our own Torahs with our own rules to live by. 


Week 1: 10/06/2022

This week we have been working really hard on our Jubilee writing. We did a great job at thinking back to what happened in our Jubilee Day before half term so that we could write a recount on what we did and enjoyed. Some of us even wrote in paragraphs to structure our ideas and the events of the day. We've also been busy practicing for sports day and did really well running in different groups. We can't believe how speedy some of our Year 2s can run and can't wait for you to join us to cheer us on later in the term. 


In Summer 2, our learning enquiry is:


Oh I do love to be beside the seaside!

Why do we love to be beside the seaside?


Please click on the link to see what we will be learning about this term.

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40