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To the Sky, Space and Beyond!

This half term, Year 2's topic is 'To the sky, space and beyond!'. In history, we will be exploring the history of flight. We will be investigating how Samuel Cody impacted flight, not only in Farnborough, but nationally and internationally too. In English, we will be using the text 'Man on the Moon: A Day in the Life of Bob' to create a travel brochure  and a character description. We will then be using 'The Way Back Home' to create our very own planets and write setting descriptions of our creations. We will also be artists this half term, exploring the work of Vincent Van Gogh, before we create our own Van Gogh-inspired pieces.


This is just a taster of what we will be learning this half term. Please take a look at our curriculum overview for more information.

Week beginning 22.05.23

Imagine our surprise on Friday morning when a letter came from MI5 telling us that, after all our hard work with our Secret Agent Tasks, we had qualified as Secret Agents! The letter came with medals, certificates and a delivery of ice lollies to the school kitchen! We loved spending some time in the sun with our friends and ice lollies to celebrate all of our hard work. 


We also had our last swimming lesson this week. The children have all made fantastic progress and had lots of fun.


Well done, Year 2, on such a brilliant half term. You have all worked so hard and Miss Barber and Miss Woodgate are very proud teachers! See you in a week for our final half term in Year 2!



Week 5 - week beginning 15.05.23


It has been another busy week in Year 2. On Tuesday we welcomed the Paralympian, Kylie Grimes to our school. We took part in lots of different sporty challenges and had lots of fun. On Friday we celebrated Author Day. We looked at books by Tom Percival and wrote some top tips on how to be resilient.

Week 4 - 9.5.2023

We really enjoyed our computing learning this week as we have been using the iPads to make our own music! We used chrome music lab to draw pictures which created different sounds and patterns of music to represent a planet. 

Week 3 - 02/05/2023 

We had lots of fun celebrating the Coronation this week. In the morning we made crowns that would be fit for the King and created collage's of the King. Then we created our own fruit pizzas to eat at the tea party in the afternoon. There was lots of smiley chocolate faces by the end of the day! 

Week 2 - 24.4.2023

This week we have been creating our own 'Starry Night' paintings inspired by Vincent Van Gogh. We created different tints and shades to help us create our sky. We also had lots of fun May Pole dancing to celebrate May Day and the start of Spring. 

Week 1 - week beginning 17.04.23


It was lovely to welcome Year 2 back to the summer term this week! The highlight of our week has definitely been our swimming lessons! The children were very excited and represented our school beautifully at the leisure centre. 

We have also been exploring the work of Vincent Van Gogh this week. We started by exploring some of his artwork and then had a go at experimenting with different paintbrushes.

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40