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Summer 1 - What is a traditional tale?

Week beginning 22.05.23

This week we have been learning about invitations. The children created their own invitation for the other class inviting them to a special story time in our outside area. On Friday afternoon, we went and had our special story time in the new Reading Area, where we listened to a special version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children took home their bean plants that they have been growing and we could not believe how well they have grown!





Week beginning 15.05.23

This week we have had a wonderful time continuing our journey looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In Literacy we have been writing some fantastic descriptions of Goldilocks for our wanted posters. In Maths we have been looking at taking away to numbers up to 20. We have enjoyed taking our learning outside lots this week and enjoying the beautiful weather. The children have enjoyed exploring using different gardening tools, helping to prepare the flower beds to plants lots of lovely flowers and vegetables. We also enjoyed a special visit from Olympic Gold Medalist Kylie Grimes. The children had a wonderful time participating in different excerises and hearing all about Kylie and her sport, Wheelchair Rugby. 



Week beginning 08.05.23

This week the children have been learning about the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and we have enjoyed learning the Makaton actions to help us retell the story. In Maths we have learnt to add two numbers together. We have also been learning about the artist Ambrosius Bosschaert  who was born in Antwerp and created still life drawings of fruits and plants. In UTW we looked at how we could sort items into hard and soft. 







Week beginning 01.05.23

This week the children have enjoyed learning about the Coronation of King Charles III and continued to learn about Jack and the Beanstalk. We did some fantastic writing retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. In Maths we have been learning about Spatial reasoning and remembering our shapes. We had a wonderful time on Thursday celebrating the Coronation by making crowns and fruit Pizzas. 



Week beginning 24.3.23

This week the children have enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a bean! They have all planted their seeds and have written instructions so that they can teach more people how to grow their own seeds. The children have enjoyed developing their understanding of two digit numbers up to 20 and used Numicon to demonstrate their understanding. On Friday we enjoyed our own Maypole lessons, where we learnt how to dance with a Maypole!

Highlight of the week:


Week beginning 17/04/23

This week the children have had a fantastic time exploring our new topic "What is a traditional tale?". They couldn't believe their eyes when they discovered a mystery bag had arrived in the classroom. We felt it and had lots of different ideas of what it might be. We carefully opened it to discover some magic beans! We then read our first story of this project "Jack and the Beanstalk". We did some fantastic writing labeling and writing different sentences about different parts of the story. In Maths we have been looking at the composition of numbers beyond 10 to 20. We then planted some beanstalks of our own. We are very excited to watch them grow over the coming weeks. 


The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40