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Autumn 2- Seasons What can you see?

This learning enquiry will help us to learn about the seasons of Autumn and Winter. We will also learn about how people are different and the different celebrations that happen at this time of year.


Our core texts this half term are:

Highlight of the Week



Week beginning 20.11.23

This week we have been learning about 2D shapes. The children have learnt the names of squares, triangles, rectangles and circles. We looked at how we could use these shapes to build different pictures such as a house. For Physical Development we have been working on our ball skills, practicing throwing and catching a ball with our friends. Finally, we have been going on our own bear hunts around our classrooms and in the outside areas. 

Week beginning 13.11.23

This week we have been able to use our new outside areas spaces! The children have been using the climbing furniture to help develop their co-ordination and core strength. At the end of the week we found a ginormous pile of leaves and went to investigate! We have great fun throwing the leaves up in the sky and observing them fall. Afterwards, we had a giant game of hide and seek!

Week beginning 6.11.23

This week the children have been learning about patterns. They have used our natural resources such as leaves and twigs to create their own repeating pattern. In The Burrow we have been exploring different textures with our hands and feet!



Week beginning 30.10.23

We started learning about our topic- Seasons. To help us understand the signs of Autumn, we went on a seasons walk and found lots of orange, red, yellow and brown leaves. The children have enjoyed looking for falling leaves and trying to find as many different coloured leaves as possible. 

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40