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Autumn 2- Let’s Celebrate! What do we celebrate?



We continued our learning about Diwali. We enjoyed listening to the story of Rama and Sita and continued learning how Diwali is celebrated including painting Mendi onto hands. 

Wb. 13.11.23

This week children were immersed into their learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated. As part of their learning children created Diva lamps with clay and painted them.

WB. 30.10.23

We started off this half term with a bang! Children talked about their experience watching a bonfire and fireworks display. Children created a fireworks painting using black paper, paint brush and paint.

WB: 6.11.23


We continued our learning about Bonfire Night. We used our phonics knowledge to write what you would wear to fireworks. We created firework collages. We also learnt about Remembrance Day and enjoyed painting Poppies.

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40