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Year 1 2021-22

Welcome to Year 1


Owl Class teacher is Miss Archer and the Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Alldritt. 

Rabbit Class teacher is Mrs Summerland and Mrs Dougherty and the Learning Support Assistants is Miss Gordon. 

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday Please make sure that your child has a named PE kit in school and that any earrings have been taken out before school. 


Home Learning:

Home learning will be set on Class Dojo every Monday and will be due the following Monday, to give your child a week to complete the task. Each week will alternate between a spelling task and a maths fluency task All work will need to be handed in via Class Dojo so that feedback can be provided. As we begin home learning, any feedback is greatly appreciated so please do let us know. 


We are looking forward to getting to know you all this year. 


Thank you. 


From the Year 1 team, 


Miss Archer, Mrs Dougherty and Mrs Summerland 

Highlight of the week! 


Week 5: 08.07.22


Year 1 had a special visitor this week all the way from Victorian times. A real life Victorian teacher that showed us what it was like to be a children in school during Victorian times. We learnt so much and even got to use our own slate boards with chalk was so much fun! 

Highlight of the week! 


Week 4: 01.07.22


This week has been Art Week at Farnborough Grange, each class was given a different artist to learn all about. Rabbits focused on Fridakahlo looking at what an inspirational artist she was and the different flower crowns she drew. In Owls we looked at Pablo Picasso and his different periods of art the blue, rose and cubism period. They had so much fun being their own budding artist, great job Year 1! 

Highlight of the week! 


Week 2: 17.06.22


What a lovely week Year 1 have had. We have been out in the sunshine learning how to ride our bikes safely. We started on balance bikes learning to guide and balance and then moved onto pedal bikes (with out stabilisers!!) It has been a hard skill and we have really practiced our resilience. Go Year 1! :) 

Highlight of the week! 


Week 1: 10.06.22


We have kicked of our Summer 2 by launching straight into our new topic Victorians. We started to learn all about what schools where like in Victorian times and making comparisons to what school is like now. We made fantastic posters to show all this new information we have learnt. In art we have also started to look at the Victorian artist William Morris and all his different prints getting us ready to do our own!


Fantastic learning Year 1! 

In Summer, our learning enquiry is:



What has changed since Victorian times?


Please click on the link at the bottom of the page to see what we will be learning about this term.

Highlight of the week! 


Week 5: 27.05.22


Owl and Rabbit Class joined the rest of the school to celebrate the Queens Jubilee. We had a fantastic day of making crowns, having a buffet style lunch and taking part in lots of outdoor activities- we even had an ice lolly! We ended the afternoon with showing off our crowns to our grown- ups and singing them our favourite song 'Sing'. We all had a brilliant day. 


Highlight of the week! 


Week 4: 20.05.22


This week Owl and Rabbit Class designed and made a picture with a moving part. They used different paper mechanisms to make different parts of their picture move. They were all very impressed with how their pictures turned out. 


Please come along to our Great Work celebration on Thursday 26th May at 2:30 to see how them, and the rest of their fantastic learning from this half term. 



Highlight of the week! 


Week 3: 13.05.22

This week Owl class loved performing their class assembly. They were fantastic at remembering their spoken parts and their poem "all about dragons"  and loved sharing all their learning with the school and parents. We were all very proud of them. 


Year 1 also started their new DT project looking at moving pictures. We experimented making with different mechanism and a draft design for our own moving picture!!

Highlight of the week! 


Week 2: 6.05.22


This week in Year 1 we enjoyed logging onto our new laptops and begin our learning about word processing. We can write our names and different numbers. We enjoyed finding out the functions of the different keys. 


We also had finished our dragon drawings this week- they look fantastic! 

Highlight of the week! 


Week 1: 25th April 2022


This week Rabbit and Owl class learnt about the story of 'Saint George and the Dragon'. They looked at paintings and read different versions of the story to find out what happened and why we celebrate Saint George on the 23rd April. We really enjoyed looking at the different paintings and seeing how each one had a different style dragon. This has inspired us to begin our own dragons paintings. 


We also celebrated May Day this week with the help of our visitors, Jane and John. We loved learning how to dance around the Maypole and listening to the traditional music played on the accordion. We had a fantastic day! 

In Summer, our learning enquiry is:


Watch Out, Dragons About! 

Dragons are real, aren't they? 


Please click on the link at the bottom of the page to see what we will be learning about this term.

Highlight of the week! 


Week 6 4.04.2022


This week Rabbit and Owl class enjoyed finishing this learning enquiry with inventing their own fantasy cupcakes. They used their imagination to think of different ingredients they could use in their recipe, they thought of many wild and wonderful ideas. We had dinosaur eggs, rainbow dust and snail slime! As well as writing a recipe for their cupcakes they created a fantastic collage using a whole range of different materials. Everyone loved looking at each others creations. 

Highlight of the week! 


Week 5 28.03.2022


This week Year 1 worked on their DT cooking skills. We looked at cupcakes recipe focusing on the different features needed for a good recipe. Next we then put the recipe to the test by baking our very own batch of cupcakes. Once baked we designed the decorations we wanted to put on them and evaluated them once we had eaten them (they where very yummy!:) ). 

Highlight of the week! 


Week 4 21.03.2022


This week, Year 1 went on a walk around the school grounds to see if they could spot any signs of spring. They noticed daffodils and little buds starting to grow on some of the trees. It also felt lovely and warm in the sunshine! The children looked more closely at some plants and began to label the main parts and talk about the important job each part has. All the children got to plant a seed...I wonder what will grow?

Highlight of the week! 


Week 3 14.03.2022


This week Year 1 have been looking at their observational drawing skills. We have started to look at the artists Georgia O'Keefe and Vincent Van Gogh who are famous for drawing different flowers. We then used their painting for inspiration as well as observing the flowers we had to do our own drawings. This will help us get ready to make our Mother's Day Card next week!

Highlight of the week! 


Week 2 07.03.2022


This week Rabbit class enjoyed performing their class assembly. They were fantastic at remembering their spoken parts and sang 'Pure Imagination' beautifully! We were all very proud of them. 


We also had a visit from Caroline and 'Harold' the giraffe, they helped us to learn about eating healthily and how different food groups help different parts of our body. We also enjoyed using Scratch on our new Ipads, we leant how to give commands for the sprite to follow. 



Highlight of the week! 


Week 1 28.02.2022


This week in Year 1 we celebrated World Book Day! We came to school dressed in our pjyamas and enjoyed sharing lots of different stories throughout the day. We especially enjoyed sharing books with our grown ups. We also enjoyed taking part in writing story written by the whole school! It made us giggle when Mrs Church read it back to us in assembly. 

In Spring 2, our learning enquiry is:


In a land of chocolate...

What do you really know about chocolate? 


Please click on the link at the bottom of the page to see what we will be learning about this term.

Highlight of the week! 


Week 6: 11.02.2022


This week Year 1 have had great fun designing and making a new house for one of the little pigs. We used our knowledge of materials to design a house that was strong, sturdy and had a waterproof roof. After making our houses, we decided to test them to see if they would keep the little pig safe and dry. We are pleased to say that all of the houses were a success! 

Highlight of the week! 


Week 5: 31.01.2022


This week we have been looking at the traditional tale, The Three Little Pigs. We spent time getting to know the story and the characters to decided that the big bad wolf is a little boring. So in Year 1 we came up with a new and improved character using our different adjectives to describe them. We even designed them and added them to the story of the three little pigs. 

Highlight of the week! 


Week 4: 24.01.2022


This week in year 1 we have been looking at map work in geography. We looked at different maps from around the world looking at the features such as using symbols and having a key. We then decided to make our own maps of the school. So we used our exploring skills and went round the school grounds to see what key features we needed. 


We have also worked very hard and written our own little red ridding hood story using all are amazing new writing skills. Something to be proud of Year 1. 


Highlight of the week! 


Week 3: 17.01.2022


In Year 1 this week we have been getting ready to write our own little red ridding hood story next week. So to prepare we have been learning all about adverbs and verbs to help us with our story writing. We have also been re-reading the story and acting out the different events of the story. 


We have also enjoyed learning all about tag ruby. We have been practicing our running, footwork and movement skills. We are really improving and building up to play our very own game of tag rugby. 




Highlight of the week! 


Week 2: 10.01.2022


It has been another lovely week in Year 1. The children have settled back really well and have been really excited to start our new Learning Enquiry. We found a map in our classroom and used it to locate a basket of props in our woodland area. We soon worked out that they were all linked to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We read the story of Little Red Riding Hood and enjoyed acting out the different events. We have also been busy using adjectives to describe the main characters and woodland setting from the story. 


We have also enjoyed learning about colour mixing. We have learnt that you can use red, blue and yellow- our primary colours to make orange, purple and green. These are called secondary colours. We really enjoyed mixing the different coloured paints to see what colour it would make! 

In Spring 1, our learning enquiry is:


Once Upon a Time...

How can we bring traditional tales to life? 


Please click on the link at the bottom of the page to see what we will be learning about this term.

Highlight of the week!

Week 13: 17.12.21

What an amazing last week of term, we enjoyed author day reading the Jolly Christmas Postman and writing our letters to Santa. 


Thank you children for all your fantastic learning this term. We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Keep safe and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 5th January. 

Highlight of the week!

Week 12: 10.12.21

What an amazing week! Well done year 1 for your first ever Nativity, you were fantastic!! 

Highlight of the week!

Week 10: 22.11.21


This week we have been learning about our senses- taste, smell, touch, see and hearing. We used our senses to describe things linked to our topic of Nepal. We touched ice from the Himalayas and spices from food markets in Kathmandu. We really enjoyed touching the freezing cold ice! 


We have also been very busy learning our songs for this years Christmas play- we don't have any photos to share as we wouldn't want to spoil the surprise! 


Highlight of the week!


Week 9: 19.11.21


We have been very busy this week, writing up all that we have discovered about Where In The World Nepal is, compared to the UK.

To end the week, we enjoyed our Stretch and Relax session. We have been creating different shapes with our bodies, focusing on our breathing and relaxing our minds.

Highlight of the week!


Week 8: 12.11.21


What another fun week year 1 have had! We have been finding out about Nepal and making comparisons to where we live in the UK. We worked as a team to research and make a poster to share with the rest of the class.


On Thursday we spent time discussing what Remembrance Day is and why some people choose to wear a poppy. 

Highlight of the week!


Week 8: 05.11.21


Owl and Rabbits class are back into the swing of it after half term with an exciting week filled with lots of learning. When we arrived back in the classroom there was a suitcase waiting for us filled with lots of different things, which we later found out where all from Nepal. So we have spent this week learning lots of different things about Nepal as well as celebrating Diwali on Thursday by making our very own diya pots. 

Highlight of the week!


Week 7: 22.10.21


This week Owls and Rabbits have been doing lots of amazing things such as; hosting a Tea Party for our teddies and making  delicious sandwiches, learning all about the harvest festival and what we are thankful for and we even preformed our harvest song to the rest of the school in assembly (after practicing in class). What a great week, now time for half term! 

Highlight of the week!


Week 6: 15.10.21


This week both Rabbits and Owls class have been busy getting ready to host our Tea Party on Monday. We have designed tea pots, practiced writing our recipes for our sandwiches and reading The Tiger Who Came To Tea. As well as all this we had a fantastic PE session on Friday. We have been learning lots of different ball skills such as; throwing and catching. We can't wait to see what next week will hold! 

Highlight of the week!


Week 5: 08.10.21


This week in Year 1 we have had another busy week of learning. We have been writing fact files about the animals we researched last week and made a special trip to Year R to share our fantastic writing.  We really enjoyed reading and sharing all the information we have found out about our amazing animals! 

Highlight of the week!


Week 4: 01.10.21


This week in Rabbit and Owl class we have been finding out about snakes, kangaroos, sharks and penguins. We have been using different information books to find out what they eat, where they live and what they look like. We looked closely at photographs of each animal and used different materials to represent their unique colours. Next week we are going to use our research to write a fact sheet about our chosen animal. 


We have also been looking at the artist Henri Rousseau. We noticed that he has many different types of leaves in his paintings so decided to go on a leaf hunt and see how many we could find in our school grounds. We collected as many as we could and sketched them in our books, remembering to look closely at the different shapes and patterns. 



Highlight of the week!


Week 3: 24.09.21


This week we had lots of fun getting creative! We all made our very own Christmas prints ready to be turned into Christmas cards and so much more. We made our very own Dear Zoo stories and worked on one less and one more in Maths. We had a great week and look forward to researching animals next week. 

Highlight of the week!


Week 2: 17.09.21


This week year 1 had a fantastic week exploring different animal adjectives, missing numbers and recognising the value of numbers to ten. But the highlight of the week was looking at the artist Henri Rousseau. We loved spotting the different jungle animals in his paintings. We spotting that lots of his paintings us a lot of different shades of green, so we decided to make our own green collage's. 

Highlight of the week!




Week 1: 10.09.21

This week, we really enjoyed celebrating Roald Dahl Day, focusing on 'The Enormous Crocodile'. The children really enjoyed listening to the story and couldn’t to wait to find out if the greedy crocodile’s tricks had worked. The children enjoyed drawing pictures of the enormous crocodile, especially his sharp pointy teeth!

Click on the link below to see photographs of our celebrations!

In Autumn 1, our learning enquiry is:


Amazing animals! 

What makes animals unique?


Please click on the link to see the curriculum map for this half term.

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40