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Summer 2 - What if there was a commotion in the ocean?

Week beginning 03.07.23


This week the children enjoyed listening to our new story 'What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside'. We explored the different parts of the book, beginning, middle and end. We also explored who the different characters were in the story. In Maths we have been looking at repeating patterns. Exploring how we can make different, more complex patterns. We ended the week with our school trip to Wellington Country Park. The children had the most fantastic time exploring the park, seeing the dinosaurs, the animals in the farm and having a ride on the train! Thank you very much to the parents and carers who kindly came on the trip with us. 


Week beginning 26.06.23


This week the children have enjoyed continuing their journey exploring the story of The Snail and the Whale. In literacy the children did some fantastic writing retelling the story. In Maths we have been deepening out understanding of number, exploring the story of Mr Grumpys Outing. We have been exploring how many legs there might be in the boat, depending on how many people or animals were in the boat. In UTW we have been exploring different sea habitats. 


Highlight of the Week-

WB 19.6.23

This week we have been learning more about the types of creatures that live in the sea and the children have enjoyed creating them using playdoh and clay. We experimented with different tools to see the marks that they made and to add details to our creatures.

The children have enjoyed using a variety of books and to learn more information about under water creatures and learning facts such as a humpback whale can live for up to 90 years! In Understanding of the World, we have been learning about floating and sinking. We learnt to use the new vocabulary with actions and then collected a selection of items to experiment with. Initially the children predicted whether they though the item would float or sink, and then they were starting to explain the reasoning behind their predictions. The children then tested their items to see if their predictions were correct.

Week beginning 12.06.23

This week the children had a fantastic time continuing their journey learning under the sea. In Literacy we did some fantastic writing describing sea creatures to see if our friends could guess what they were. In Maths we were continuing our journey of looking at odd and even numbers, deciding if we could share each number fairly or not. In EAD we started to make out fantastic clay fish. The children really enjoyed exploring making different textures using different tools. 


Highlight of the Week-

WB 5.6.23

This week we have started our new learning enquiry- What if there was a Commotion in the Ocean?

The children enjoyed receiving a letter from a scuba diver who asked them to investigate what lives under the sea. In maths we have been learning about doubling and the children have been challenging themselves to to double numbers up to 10 and rite the number sentence on whiteboards. In Understanding of the World, the children learnt about the four seasons and then wrote notes as to what they would find in each season. We all then went on a walk to spot the signs of the season and work out which season we were in. 



The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40