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Spring 2- Who Helps Us?

WB 20.3.23

We have continued our learning on The Hungry Caterpillar. We have been reading the story, observing our caterpillars growing, drawn our own caterpillars and ordered the numbers on the caterpillar. We also enjoyed some mindfulness by doing some spring yoga poses.

WB 13.3.23

Highlight of the week:

This week we have been learning about the signs of Spring. We have enjoyed making flowers out of construction toys and using paint to print blossom trees. We have also enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a caterpillar through reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and we even have our very own caterpillars at nursery!

WB: 6.3.23

Highlight of the week

We have continued our learning about People Who Help Us. We have been taking on the role of fire fighters and putting out fires, we have been building fire stations and collaging fires. We also enjoyed wearing bright clothes to nursery and putting pom poms in paint and throwing them to splat as part of our Holi celebrations.

WB 27.3.23

Highlight of the week: This week we started our new topic People Who Help Us. We looked at different people who help us and what their job is. We have enjoyed dressing up and role playing doing these jobs. We read a book about fire fighters and what they have to do and wear when there is a fire. We have been using our fire station to act this out, we have made our own fire truck pictures and have been drawing the people who help us.

Highlight of the Week:

Week beginning 20.2.23

This week we have been reading the story Mr Wolf's Pancakes. We discussed what topping we like having on our pancakes and in the maths area added the correct amount of toppings to the pancakes. We made pancakes in our home corner using play dough. We got creative and made our own wolf masks using collage materials. We ended the week by having great fun doing pancake races the children had to be very careful to not drop the pancake!

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40