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Oh I do love to be beside the seaside!

Oh I do love to be beside the seaside! 


This half term, we will be investigating about the seaside. As artists we will use our observational drawing to draw shells and create a collage of a beach scene. In DT we will look at stuffed toy fish and use our sewing skills to design, make and evaluation our own stuffed toy fish. We will learn about what there is to do at the seaside through the story Lucy and Tom at the seaside.  


In RE we will be learning about Judaism and what Shabbat is as well as the Torah. 


Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.

Week 4: 01/07/2022

We have really enjoyed art week this week. We have looked at texture, pattern, line and shape to recreate our different artist. We had the opportunity to explore different mediums such as spray painting, felt tips, paint and even wood to create our ideas. We created mood boards where we experimented with what we will include in our designs and how different effects look. 

Week 5:08/07/2022

We have been really busy this week prepping for Sports Day and our Leavers Assembly. Year 2 have really impressed us with how quickly they have learnt the songs for their performance and their enthusiasm that they bring too. We have also completed our last piece of Year 2 writing ready for Year 3 all about what Lucy and Tom got up to at the beach. 

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40