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Spring 2 - Nepal

Spring 2 - Nepal

This half term will take us on a journey to Nepal, exploring the physical characteristics of the landscape and how these compare to the UK. In English, we will write a diary entry of our "climb" up Mount Everest and use this to write our own adventure stories. Our Science learning will focus around plants, including labelling the structure of flowering plants and trees. In Art, we will explore the artwork of Ranbir Kaur and use her inspiration to make our own Rangoli patterns.

We love reading to help us with our learning! Some of our key texts for this learning enquiry include...

Week 6: 27.03.23

This week, we have immersed ourselves in the Easter story, considering how this is related to Easter eggs. We've also spent time learning stories about Jesus, thinking about why Christians call Jesus saviour.

Week 5: 20.3.23

This week in Year 1 we have been either learning about computing and grouping (Owls), or having a fun Music day (Rabbits).

Friday was a 'wow' day for the whole school as we had the chance to experience a range of countries (Australia, Japan, Guatemala, France, Egypt or Iceland). The children took part in some fun activities such as volcano creating, jewellery-making and winding up Worry dolls with wool. 


Week 4: 13.03.23

This week, we have been investigating different plants in Science including the different parts of plants, their names and their functions. We spent Friday afternoon outdoors looking at trees in our school environment and learnt the difference between deciduous and evergreen. What plants can you spot at home and on local walks?


Owl Class had their music day this week and spent time learning to play different notes on the glockenspiels. We explored the pulse in pieces of music, alongside considering the difference between high and low notes.

Week 3: 6.03.23

Year 1 have continued their English writing about Sir Edmund Hillary's climb to the peak of Mount Everest.

We are maths whizzes now, with our number bonds to 10 and 20.

On Wednesday, we had a great time in the snow, as well as celebrating Holi!

Week 2: 27.02.23

This week, we've continued to be Geographers, turning our attention to the UK. We went on a "tour" of the four UK countries, identifying them on a map and exploring some of their most famous landmarks. On Thursday afternoon, we went on a walk around the local area to identify physical & human features and have started to think about the similarities and differences to those in Nepal.

Week 1: 20.02.2023

This week has launched our learning enquiry into Nepal and what a wonderful week we've had! We spent a whole day exploring the artwork of Ranbir Kaur and took inspiration to make our own Rangoli patterns. We also boarded an "aeroplane" that took us to Nepal and we used our geographical skills to look for physical and human features.

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40