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Reception 2021-22

Welcome to Reception!



Our Badger Class teacher is Mrs Stroudley and the Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Browning. 

Our Robin Class teacher is Miss Osborne and the Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Lightfoot. Miss Mason also supports in Robin Class.


Our PE day is Tuesday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit on this day.

Our Library day is Friday so please make sure your child brings their book back to school so that it can be changed for a new one. 

Home Learning

As well as reading books, children will now be bringing home a zippy wallet with some sounds and words in. We would like you to support your child in becoming confident in reading the sounds they have been given, as well as the word cards. We will be checking each week how well your child knows their sounds and words, and when they are confident we will give them the next strip to learn. 

Please see the document below for additional guidance on how to support your child with learning the sounds and reading at home. 


Highlight of the week!

Summer 2


Week 4: 01.07.22

This week the children have enjoyed the story of 'Barry the Fish with Fingers.'  They wrote a description of 'Barry' and also wrote all about what they might see if they went under the sea.  The children continued to develop their learning on evens and odds, using their knowledge in lots of practical ways.  This week is also 'Arts Week' and the children have been exploring different artists and even had a go at creating their own artwork!


Week 3: 24.06.22

This week the children continued to explore the different parts of the story of 'What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday.'  They began thinking about all the things they have learnt during their time in Reception and wrote a sentence about something they have particularly enjoyed.  In Maths the children learnt how to share items equally and began learning the concept of what makes a number even and what makes a number odd.  It has been another great week! 


Week 2: 17.06.22

This week the children have enjoyed the story of 'What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday' and wrote a list of items they would need to pack to go on their own holiday.  In Maths they have looked at spatial reasoning.   They had lots of fun in the water to help them keep cool during the particularly hot weather and enjoyed a trip to the woods where all of the shade stopped them from getting too hot. 


Week 1: 10.06.22

The children have begun learning our new topic 'Commotion in the Ocean'.  This week we have been learning about different sea creatures and the children have written some amazing fact files.  In Maths they have been practising their doubling skills in lots of different ways.  There has been much excitement this week as the children have been very lucky to have a balance bike workshop all this week and they have been trying very hard to have a go at riding the different bikes. 


Summer 1


Week 5: 27.05.22

The learning this week has been focused on The Queen's Platinum Jubilee.  The children were very excited to write her letters, find out about the different castles and palaces that she owns and about all of the different London landmarks you may see if you visited Buckingham Palace.  We had a very busy last day with our very own 'Big Jubilee Lunch', crown and flag making which the children proudly showed to their parents during our Crown Parade.  They also enjoyed our Summer fete and ended the day with a song for the Queen.  What a great week!


Week 4: 20.05.22

There was much excitement in Year R this week.  The children listened to the story of 'What the Ladybird Heard? and then discovered that the robbers had taken the fine prize cow!!  They wrote letters to the story characters and designed their own wanted posters.  The children also used paper plates, paint, card and glue to create their very own ladybirds, which all look amazing. In maths this week the children practised adding beyond ten using tens frames, number cards and coloured counters.  To end the week we visited the woodland to look for ladybirds and caterpillars.  


Week 3: 13.05.22

This week we recalled the story events for 'Jasper's Beanstalk' and wrote about what happened on each day of the week.  In maths we had a go at working out which number was missing from the number line.  In the outdoor area we made obstacle courses, watered the flowers in our growing area and created recipes in our mud kitchen.  


Week 2: 06.05.22

This week we continued with our topic 'What would happen if we grew a bean like Jack?'.  We listened to the story of Jasper's Beanstalk and had a go at writing instructions on how to grow a bean.  We are trying really hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.  In phonics we are learning 'special friends' and our red words.  This week in maths we were looking at number patterns beyond ten.  


Week 1: 29.04.22

This week we began our new topic 'What would happen if we grew a bean like Jack?'  We began our learning by finding out all about the lifecycle of a butterfly.  We listened to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, wrote lifecycles, made symmetrical butterfly paintings and even learnt that the word symmetrical means the same on both sides! What an amazing week we had!


Spring 2

Week 6: 08.04.22

We have had a great half term!  To end this half term we did some amazing writing about 'The Ugly Duckling', sang 'Spring Chicken' and did some great Easter art work.  We really enjoyed our Easter assembly hosted by The Church of The Good Shepherd and learnt about why we have easter eggs.  


Week 5: 01.04.22

This week the children had an amazing time exploring their new story 'The Ugly Duckling'. In literacy they did some fantastic writing about The Ugly Duckling and remembering what had happened in the story. In maths we continued our exploration of the number bonds to 10. They continued to explore Kandinsky and created some very original pieces. To finish the week, we started to learn about Easter and the Easter story. 


Week 4: 25.03.22

This week the children have had a fantastic time exploring this week's book Harry and the Bucket of Dinosaurs. The children all created wonderful fact files about their own dinosaurs. We explored a new artist this week. The children created their own Kandinsky inspired art work. It looked fantastic! We ended the week by making some beautiful, colourful Mother's Day cards. The children were very proud of their work and can't wait to give them to their Mum's on Sunday. 


Week 3: 18.03.22

This week the children have had a wonderful time discovering their new story 'Dinosaur Roar'. During Literacy the children wrote some brilliant dinosaur fact files. In maths we have been learning about all the different ways we can make 9 and 10. To end the week, we had a very exciting day. The children all looked fantastic dressed as super heroes. We had a wonderful time exploring in the woodland area pretending to be super heroes. 


Week 2: 11.03.22

This week the children had did a brilliant job at retelling the story of the "Odd Egg" and wrote some fantastic sentences about the story. We had a wonderful time meeting Harold the Giraffe when he visited our classrooms with his friend Caroline. The children learned all about how to keep out bodies healthy. We also helped cheer Harold up when he was feeling sad. The children had a wonder time speaking to Harold and sharing all of the things that make them happy when they are upset.


Week 1: 04.03.22

We had a very exciting first week back after half term exploring our new topic. On Monday we came into school to find something very strange on the roof of the shed, in our Reception garden. A gigantic, purple and turquoise, spotty egg! The children were very excited and had some fantastic ideas of what might be inside. Could it be a dinosaur, a unicorn or even a leopard? The children used their ideas to do some wonderful writing about their discovery.  They have also created some beautiful egg designs of their own! We are really looking forward to finding out more about the egg and what might be inside, next week. 


Spring 1

Week 7: 18.02.22

This week the children really enjoyed learning how to make a jam sandwich. They first watched how a jam sandwich was made and then they wrote their own instructions. Sadly we didn't get to make our sandwiches at school due to the storm on Friday, but lots of the children did a fantastic job at making their sandwiches at home with their grown ups. We really enjoyed seeing all of the fantastic work uploaded to tapestry. You all worked so hard at home! Well Done Robins and Badgers. We hope you have a wonderful half term. 


Week 6: 11.02.22

This week the children continued to explore the story 'What ever next?'. They did some fantastic list writing, remember what Baby Bear had taken to the moon with him. During Maths we explored lots of different ways of making the number 6. Baby Bear asked the children to put 6 window on his rocket. The children had to decide how many to put on each side. They then wrote some brilliant number sentences to show how they had made 6.


Week 5: 4.02.22

This week the children really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. They did some fantastic dragon dancing and made some beautiful dragon puppets. The children also really enjoyed their new story 'What Ever Next?'. The children made a list of all of the things they would take if they were to go to space. In Maths we were exploring capacity. The children estimated which items they thought were lighter or heavier than Fred the Frog. They then used a balance scale to check if they were right. 


Week 4: 28.02.22

This week we have been learning about Polar Bears. The children found out lots of interesting facts and then wrote a wonderful fact file about Polar bears. This children looked at where they live and where the polar bears live. We tried to find some similarities and differences between the two. Some of the children have decided that they would like to live in the Arctic because they like the snow, but it might be a bit too cold. 


Week3: 21.01.22

This week the children have been learning about Brown Bears. We started the week with something very mysterious happening.. We came in to find muddy bear prints all over our class room! Daddy bear had recorded a video for us telling us to go outside and find the facts, about brown bears, that he had left all over the playground for us to find. The children then wrote these facts in their own fact files and drew some wonderful pictures of brown bears. 


Week 2: 14.01.22

This week the children continued exploring the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They did some fantastic story retelling and created a story sequence to help us to remember the story. During RE we discussed places which are special to people in our community. We looked at different places of worship and also discussed other places which might be special to us, our families or people in the community.


Week 1: 7.01.22

This week the children have settled fantastically into being back at school. We have all enjoyed kicking off our new toping 'Where are the bears?', by reading Goldilocks and the three bears. During literacy we worked in groups to retell the story. The children have remembered the story fantastically. We enjoyed building a house for the three bears in the reception garden using the big shapes. We have also really enjoyed creating our own bear marks in the art corner. They all look fantastic! 


Autumn 2

Week 7: 17.12.21

This week we have had the most fantastic time learning about how people celebrate Christmas and why we celebrate. The really enjoyed their Christmas party and Christmas lunch! We all made beautiful party hats to wear for Christmas lunch. The Children all looked fantastic. Well done to all of the children on completing their first half term at school! We are all so proud of how well they have settled in this term. 


Week 6: 10.12.21

This week the children have continued their learning about Birthdays. We enjoyed writing birthday cards for Harry's dinosaurs and writing invites to the party! The children performed their second performance of their Nativity show. Well done to all of the children for all of your hard work. Both shows were fantastic. We are very proud of you all. 


Week 5: 3.12.21

This week we have been looking at how we celebrate birthdays. The children enjoyed their new story, Harry and the dinosaurs have a birthday. The children had lots of fun exploring the dinosaur small world, making birthday cards and party hats for the dinosaurs. On Wednesday we celebrated the first day of December with crazy hair day! Everybody looked fantastic. The children have worked really hard learning the songs for their first performance of their Nativity show. What a fabulous job they did! 


Week 4: 26.11.21 

This week the children enjoyed looking at the story of Cinderella. During literacy we described and labeled Cinderella to help the Prince to find her. In maths we were discovering how many different ways we could make five, using lots of different concrete objects. We visited the forest and collected sticks to make our very own wands. When we returned to the classroom we decorated these using paint and sequins. They looked magical! 


Week 3: 19.11.21

This week the children have been learning about nocturnal and diurnal animals. During our literacy lessons we enjoyed exploring the story "It was a cold dark night". The children enjoyed joining in with the story. We used our phonics skills to help us to label a hedge hog. During Maths we have been looking at the number 5. The children were able to use lots of different concrete materials to show lots of different ways to make 5. We also explored our number bonds to 5. This week we have started to practise for our Christmas play. The children have enjoyed learning of the new songs. We are looking forward to performing for all of our grown ups very soon.  


Week 2: 12.11.21

This week the children enjoyed learning about bonfire night. We learned why we celebrate Bonfire night and who Guy Fawkes was. During our literacy lessons we thought about the sounds each firework make (e.g pop, bang) and used our phonics knowledge to try to write the sounds we could hear in each word. During maths we have been looking at squares and rectangles. The children were able to see that each shape has 4 corners and 4 sides. They also noticed that the squares sides were all the same but the rectangle had two short sides and two long sides. Well done reception! 


Week 1: 5.11.21

This week we had a wonderful time learning about Diwali. The children enjoyed learning about the Diwali story, dressing up in traditional clothing and making Diya lamps. In Maths we have been looking at the number 4. We spent some time exploring how we can make 4 using different objects. During Literacy the children enjoyed talking about what they would be able to see and hear at a Diwali celebration. We also enjoyed a special visit to the woodland area to see all of the autumnal changes around us


Autumn 1

Week 7: 22.10.21

In our final week in Reception this half term, we have been learning about what makes our Grandparents super! We enjoyed looking at the book "My Granny is a superhero" and discussing all of the wonderful superpowers our own grandparents have. During our maths lessons we have been looking at positional language. The children enjoyed playing "Where is the bear?", the had to describe where the bear was inside, next to, on top of, behind and in front of the box. Well done to all of Badgers and Robins for completing your first half term at school. 


Week 6: 15.10.21

This week the children enjoyed learning about The Incredibles family. We discussed what made our family members superheroes. In maths we have been looking at subitising. We used our superpowers to have a quick peak at how many items were under the cloth and remember how many items we had seen. The children really enjoyed this activity. During discovery we really enjoyed dressing up as superheroes and discussing out superheroes. In art we created our own super hero marks. 


Week 5: 08.10.21

This week we have been learning about our families. We enjoyed looking at pictures of ourselves when we were babies and describing who is in our families. During phonics we have been learning the sounds c,k,u,b and f and have been practising writing them during our discovery time. In maths we have been learning about weight and capacity. We enjoyed using the balance scales to determine which objects are heavier and lighter.  In literacy we looked at our new book 'My Mum is a Super Mum' and drew pictures of our families, labeling them using the sounds we have learned. 


Week 4: 01.10.21

We have been very busy this week. We have started learning about our new theme 'What makes me a superhero?. The children were very excited to have been visited by The Scribbler who had scribbled all over our classroom walls and in our outside garden. We read the book There's a superhero in my book by Tom Fletcher. The children discussed the features of the story including what made the superhero in the book special and what superhero powers they had. These included jumping very high, running really fast, being very kind and being a good friend. During our Maths lessons this week we have been ordering by size and thinking about which containers can hold the most water. We were surprised to find out that the tallest containers don't always hold the most water. In phonics we have been learning the sounds i,n,p,g and o. 


Week 3: 24.09.21

This week the children had a wonderful time learning about their themselves. We looked at our hair colour, our eye colour and our likes and dislikes. This week we started learning phonics. The children learned the sounds m, a, d, s, t. In Maths we were identifying different quantities. We were deciding which groups had more and less objects. 


Week 2: 17.09.21

The children did a fantastic job of settling in and enjoying their first lunch at school. We explored colours and experimented with mixing blue and yellow together. We went on a shape hunt looking for circles in our environment. We sang songs and enjoyed reading a variety of stories. All children will have received 2 purple reading books this week for you to explore with your children at home.


Week 1: 10.09.21

We had a wonderful time meeting all of the children and their families at home. The children  enjoyed exploring their new classrooms and outside areas. We are very proud of them all for settling in so well! 

In Autumn 1, our Learning question is:


What makes me a superhero?


Please see the curriculum web below to see all the different things that we will be learning:

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40