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Spring 1- Watch out! What is at the end of a beanstalk?

w.b. 22.1.24

This week the children learnt about Lunar New Year and as part of their learning they took part in a Dragon Dance workshop. The children learnt the fan, parasol and dragon dances and at the end of the day performed the dances for their parents!

W.b. 3.1.24

It has been lovely having the children back after Christmas! This week we have learnt about what plants need to grow and as part of the learning children created art work based on plants. They have also explored ‘what is a garden centre?’ by role- playing working in a garden centre.
At the end of the week, we focused on our author ‘Julia Donaldson’ for the author day and created work based on the ‘Gruffalo’ story.

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40