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Poles Apart!

This half term, we will be finding out all about the North and South Poles and where they are in our world. We will be using our skills as geographers to look at atlases and maps to locate these places and identify hot and cold areas of our planet in relation to the equator. 


We will also be global citizens by looking at how climate change is affecting the North and South Poles and learning about what we can do to help. In English we will be learning about writing information reports and letters with our knowledge we will have gained from geography and science. In Art we will be exploring colour mixing to create warm colours for a bonfire scene and cold colours for a Northern Lights scene. 


Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.

Week 6: 05.12.2022

What a jam-packed week it's been in Year 2! With three nativity performances of our own, a trip to Grange Juniors to watch their Christmas performance, Christmas jumper day and an African drumming extraveganza, it has been a fun-filled few days!


We loved learning about African drumming and dance on Friday afternoon. We were able to explore the drums, learnt to play and sing 'Waka Waka' and even learnt some African dances. It was so lovely to show our grown-ups our performance as part of our Great Work. Take a look at our pictures and video below!


Still image for this video

Week 5 - 28/11/2022

Year 2 were very excited on Thursday morning when we had a visit from the man himself... Santa! We have also enjoyed crazy hair day this week and have been very busy preparing for our nativity performances.

Week 4: 21/11/2022

We really enjoyed our trip to the Church of the Good Shepherd to learn about the symbols in the Christmas story and what they mean. We had 3 different activities to complete which all linked to parts of the story including the angels, gifts and journeys. In English we have started looking at non-chronological reports and identifying the features of this type of text so we can write our own fact files about the North and South Poles. 

Week 3: 18/11/2022

This week we have been comparing the different geographical features found in the North and South Poles. We also located them on a globe and described the climate of the poles. Year 2 have also been busy practicing for the nativity and have worked really hard to start learning their lines and the songs. 

Week 2: week beginning 07/11/2022

This week has been another jam-packed week in Year 2!


We were very shocked on Monday morning to learn that, after a rainy and cold weekend, the keys to the school had become frozen in ice! We worked in groups to work out how to melt the ice the quickest so that we could return them to Mrs Cave. We put our ideas to the test and found out that the radiators melted the ice the fastest. Mrs Cave was relieved to get the keys back!


In other news, we started our new unit of English this week. We are reading the book 'The Penguin Who Wanted to Find Out' and have started to think about the main character, a cheeky penguin called Otto. In maths, we have explored 3D shapes. We have worked on identifying and counting faces, edges and vertices. We have also explored Remembrance Day, with each class collaborating to create a class poppy.

Week 1: 04/11/2022

This week we have really enjoyed learning about Bonfire Night. In Art, we mixed yellow and red to make orange so we could create warm colours for our backwash to stand out against our fire silhouette. In English we have been writing similes to describe fireworks for our firework poems. On Thursday we had Alison Simpson visit us to launch our new library. She is an author and read us her story 'Bohdi the Pirate Dog'. 

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40