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Poles Apart!

Poles Apart!


This half term, we will be finding out all about the North and South Poles and where they are in our world. We will be using our skills as geographers to look at atlases and maps to locate these places and identify hot and cold areas of our planet in relation to the equator. 


We will also be global citizens by looking at how climate change is affecting the North and South Poles and learning about what we can do to help. In English we will be learning about writing information reports and letters with our knowledge we will have gained from geography and science. In Art we will be exploring colour mixing to create warm colours for a bonfire scene and cold colours for a  Northern Lights scene. 


Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.

Week 1: 5.11.2021

On Tuesday we came into school and because it was so cold, the keys to school had frozen in ice! As scientists we looked at 4 different variables to see what would melt the ice the quickest. We had one in the fridge, one outside, one on the radiator and we put salt on another one. Before we started our experiment we made a prediction for which variable we thought would melt the ice the quickest and why. Then every 5 minutes we checked to see if the ice had melted to try and release the key. Thankfully we managed to get some of the keys back but the key that was in the fridge was still frozen in the ice!

We then used what we had learnt in science to help us understand where the North and South Poles are and what they are like. We also found out that the equator is the hottest part on our planet which is why the North and South poles are the furthest away from it. 

Week 2: 12.11.2021

This week we continued with our learning about the North and South Poles and went on an expedition in our classroom to find out the different physical and human features that you find in the North and South Pole. We had great fun going around our classroom to find out if there were any differences or similarities between the two Poles. In science this week we have been finding out about the different types of animals that live in the North and South Pole and then presented to the class what we found out about our animal. 

We have also been recognising different coins in maths and learning how to count money using what we already know about counting in 2s 5s and 10s. 

Week 3: 19.11.2021

This week we used all the information that we have been learning about for the North and South Poles and wrote our non-chronological reports. We learnt how to innovate our sentences to make them more exciting and engaging for the reader and so we could make our reports really interesting. In Maths we have continued our learning on money and have started looking at how we can use the coins to make different amounts. 

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40