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Fire, Fire!

Fire, Fire! 


This half term, we will be investigating about The Great Fire of London. As historians we will look at historical sources to find out how the fire started, why it happened and who was there. We will also decide if these sources are reliable or not and why. Then we will become journalists and write our own newspaper article about The Great Fire of London creating a class newspaper. In art we will be looking at paintings of the Great Fire of London and use different mediums including collage to create our own fire scene. 


In science we will be learning about different materials and test these materials for different purposes such as if they are waterproof, bend, stretch or twist. 


Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.

Week 1: 29/04/2022

It's been a great start to our Summer term in Year 2. On the first day back, we watched a Minecraft video and figured out that it was a representation of the Great Fire of London. This week we have been historians learning all about the Great Fire of London and why it happened. We looked at historical sources (not like ketchup!) which are pieces of information that tell us about something that has happened. From this, we found out when it happened, how the fire started, where it started, what happened, who was there and why it happened. This linked to our learning in English about newspaper articles because we are going to write our own newspaper about The Great Fire of London! In maths we have been learning about length and how to measure in metres and centimetres. We had great fun measuring objects around the school and our friends! We also had so much fun May Pole dancing as part of May Day celebrations. We even managed to make pretty patterns on the pole with the ribbons!

Week 2: 06/05/2022

This week we have been planning and writing our newspaper reports about the Great Fire of London. We made sure to put the information in order that we thought was most important and learnt journalists do the same which is called front loading. We are going to put all of our articles together to create one large class newspaper! In science we learnt about the suitability of materials to decide what would be best to re-build the houses in London after the fire. We are really enjoying our athletics topic in PE and learnt the best way and skills for running. We even learnt the same starting positions that professional athletes use!  

Week 3: 13/05/2022

We had a really exciting week as the highlight of our week was a visit from the Fire Service as part of our learning enquiry about the Great Fire of London. We learnt how to keep ourselves safe with fire and the important jobs the Fire Service do in our community. It was very different to how they put out fires when the Great Fire of London happened! In art this week, we have been painting our own Great Fire of London scenes and experimented using thick and thin brushes to create different effects for our paintings

Week 4: 20/05/2022

This week we have been practicing everything we have learnt about The Great Fire of London ready for our Great Work Celebration next week. We've really enjoyed creating our own performance for this and even writing it too! We've also really enjoyed our new book Tell me a Dragon and have enjoyed coming up with our own dragon's to write about next week. 

In maths we have started looking at learning quarter past and quarter to when reading the time on a clock. Some of us have even started looking at 5 minute intervals on clocks. Why not test us next time you need to know the time and see if we can help!

Week 5: 27/05/2022

What a fantastic week to finish an amazing half term! On Friday it was Jubilee Day and we spent the day making crowns, collages of the queen, flags and paper chains. For lunch we had a special Jubilee lunch with sandwiches, sausage rolls, pizza, cakes, biscuits and scones. In the afternoon we got to take part in some different Fete activities such as tin can alley, hook a duck, pin the tail on the donkey, bean bag in a hoop and mini golf! We all had so much fun. Then we showed off our royal wave and crowns to our grown ups at home and sang our hearts out to 'Sing'. 

Year 2 have worked so hard this term and we are so proud of how far they have come. Well done Year 2! 

The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40