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To the Sky, Space and Beyond

To the sky, space and beyond! 


This half term, our priority is settling the children back into school and ensuring that they are happy and secure. Alongside this, the children will be finding out about the history of the local area and the important role that Farnborough played in the history of aviation. 


We will be exploring why we see so many planes in Farnborough, including finding out about who Samuel Cody is and why he is important. In Science, we will learn about our solar system and naming all eight planets, as well as understanding how the Earth orbits the Sun to create day and night. As part of our space theme, we will be exploring the style of Vincent Van Gogh and using different mediums to recreate his famous painting 'Starry Night'. In DT we will be experimenting with wheels and axels and design our own Mars Rover for when one day we might live on Mars. 


Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.

Week 1: 10.09.2021

This week, we particularly enjoyed celebrating Roald Dahl day on Friday 10th September. We focused on the story 'George's Marvellous Medicine' and had a fantastic time making our own medicine! We all had a go at stirring our medicine and putting in the different ingredients that George used in the story. When we added each ingredient we thought carefully about the amounts we would add such as a dollop of shampoo or a dash of curry powder. After we made our medicines we wrote up our recipe using our sequenced conjunctions to put each instruction in order.

Week 2: 17.09.2021

This week we started recreating our own versions of Vincent Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'. We used four different mediums to experiment how to recreate his famous painting. Each section of our artwork had sketching pencils, charcoal, colouring pencils and watercolour so we could explore how to create different effects. Some of us used a smudging effect to create the glow of the stars and the moon in the sky. 

Hedgehog class also took a visit to the library as part of their computing lesson and explored taking their own photos using the iPads. 

Week 3: 24.09.21

In our maths lessons this week, we looked at greater than, less than and equal to. We used the multilink to create towers of groups of 2s, 5s, and 10s to be able to count in these patterns. We also used the hundred squares to colour our 2s, 5s and 10s. Did you know that some numbers are in all 3 of these counting patterns? 

Week 4: 1.10.21

This week in maths we were looking at addition and subtraction and how we can use these as the inverse (which means the opposite). We used numicon and multilink to check if our equations were correct and then find the relating fact families to go with the equation. In science we started by seeing what we already knew about space. Then we created our own solar system to help us remember the order of the planets. 

Week 5: 4.10.21

This week in English we received an letter from a very important person called Richard Branson. He wanted us to design a new holiday brochure because he has sent an aeroplane into space and one day we might holiday on the moon! We got to look at lots of different holiday brochures to see what they are like and what the key features of a holiday brochure are. Then we looked at some key words that needed to be included in our brochures and made sure we knew what they meant so we could put them in our final finished brochure; making sure we included why people should go to the moon. 

Week 6: 15.10.21

We have had a really exciting week working on our DT project to create our own Mars Rovers. As part of our project, we looked at how wheels and axles work to understand how we would use them for our own design. We then thought carefully about what kind of wheels we would use and if we would cover them in another material so that the Rover could move over the rocky surface that Mars is known for. Once we had made our rovers we got to test them to see if they worked and then evaluated our project to discuss what went well and what we could improve for next time.  

In English we learnt about speech marks and reporting clauses. We used the walkie talkies from our story 'The Way Back Home' to create our own conversation between the little boy and the Martian to then put into speech marks in our writing. 

Week 7: 22.10.2021

What a busy last week of term we have had this week! We had lots of fun being history detectives this week using lots of different artefacts to find out about a local hero in our area. We pieced together all the information and found out that it was Samuel Cody! He was the first person to fly an aeroplane in Britain and he flew it in Farnborough! We also found out that he used to be in a circus and travelled to the UK from America as part of his cowboy circus shows. After we found out all the information, we presented it in posters to go up in our school hall so that everyone else can learn about Samuel Cody and why he is important in aviation history in Farnborough. 

In maths, we have been learning how to add two 2-digit numbers and using the dienes when we are bridge ten. We have learnt how to exchange our 1s for a 10 to help us when working out addition questions. 


The school will reopen on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 8.40